Join us for the upcoming LIVE online event!

Vertical Development: Empowering Leaders to Break Through Complexity

 Calendar Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Clock 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time

Today's leaders face unprecedented challenges: disruption, complexity, ambiguity and the need for cross-functional collaboration. Many feel stuck and overwhelmed, struggling to develop new capabilities to meet these demands. Enter vertical development – a powerful approach to transform how leaders think and act.

Vertical development focuses on expanding a leader's cognitive complexity, wisdom and insight. This approach enables leaders to span boundaries and networks and become more:

  • Adaptable
  • Self-aware
  • Collaborative
  • Interconnected

Recent Harvard University research has validated key stages of vertical development, allowing us to identify and support growth in leadership capacity.

Learning - Free education icons What you will learn from this webinar

Tune in on August 20th to gain insight into...

✓ Check Mark Button Emoji, Check Emoji, Tick EmojiThe essence of vertical development and its critical importance.

✓ Check Mark Button Emoji, Check Emoji, Tick EmojiInsights into developmental stages.

✓ Check Mark Button Emoji, Check Emoji, Tick EmojiHow to integrate vertical development into your leadership programs.

✓ Check Mark Button Emoji, Check Emoji, Tick EmojiReal-world examples of large-scale implementation
✓ Check Mark Button Emoji, Check Emoji, Tick EmojiPractical advice for individual leaders and talent professionals

Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a discussion and Q&A about how vertical development can equip leaders to tackle today's interconnected global challenges and transform from isolated heroes to interconnected, wisdom-driven servants.

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Tara Castaneda

Senior Director, Leadership and Coach Center of Expertise


Karim Hirani Photo 2023 v5[37]-1

Karim Hirani

Senior Director, leading strategic quality for executive coaching and AI in leadership development


BHG-ClaudeWerder-2023 (1)

Claude Werder

Senior VP and Principal Analyst

Brandon Hall Group

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