Join us for the upcoming LIVE online event!

Healthcare Expert Panel: Exploring Transformative Onboarding and Leadership Training

Join us for the upcoming LIVE online event!

Healthcare Expert Panel: Exploring Transformative Onboarding and Leadership Training

 Calendar Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Clock 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time

 Calendar Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Clock 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time

In the turbulent world of healthcare, the challenges of recruiting, nurturing, and advancing care providers and clinician leaders are unparalleled. With compelling evidence suggesting that superior onboarding processes can boost new hire retention by 50% and a staggering 70% of employee engagement linked to managerial relationships, the stakes are high. Effective leadership, cultural alignment, and seamless interdepartmental collaboration are beneficial and essential, directly influencing patient satisfaction and clinical results.

Dive into these pressing issues in an engaging roundtable discussion featuring insights from industry experts. This panel includes Grissel Hernandez, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Education & Professional Development at Stanford Healthcare; Stephanie Stark, DBA, VP of Service Excellence at Southeast Georgia Health System; Todd Moran, Chief Strategy Officer at NovoEd; and Michael Rochelle, Chief Strategy Officer at the Brandon Hall Group. This session promises a deep dive into the innovative strategies and technological solutions pivotal in shaping the future of healthcare onboarding and leadership training.

Learning - Free education icons What you will learn from this webinar

Tune in on June 18th to gain insight into...

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How Stanford Healthcare and Southeast Georgia Health Systems think about the unique challenges of training in-facility personnel

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The limitations of existing healthcare LMSs and in-person training and how to overcome them

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Why large care providers are adapting online social learning to drive organizational alignment, build amazing cultures, and deliver excellent clinical care


Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a discussion and Q&A about how to future-proof your organization’s leadership pipeline


Todd Moran 

Chief Strategy Officer



Grissel Hernandez

Executive Director of the Center for Education & Professional Development

Stanford Healthcare


Stephanie Mosely Stark

Vice President of Service Excellence 

Southeast Georgia Health System 

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Michael Rochelle

Chief Strategy Officer

Brandon Hall Group

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